Saturday Vigil 5pm Confessions 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Sunday 8am|9:30am|11:15am|5pm Children's Liturgy 9:30am Confessions 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Monday|Tuesday 7pm Confessions 6:30pm - 6:50pm
Wed-Fri|Holiday Mon 9am Confessions 8:30am - 8:50am
Wednesday Holy Hour 9:30am - 10:30am
Confessions: Also available by apppointment If you have difficulty hearing, turn your portable radio to 98.5FM and use earphones to listen directly from our amplifier.
Updated: Visit Living the Beatitudes, Love in Action
Visit the New Divine Infant CWL Website for more information and upcoming events
New: March 23rd - Third Sunday of Lent (C)
Prayer of Consecration to Mary
Jubilee 2025: Join Our Journey of Hope
2025 Pilgrimage Details
Donate Online with CanadaHelps
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Pre-Authorized Debit Form: Click Here
Introductory Message from Fr. Waldemar
Watch the Holy Hour with Divine Mercy Chaplet
Pastor: Fr. Waldemar Podlasz SDS
Associate Pastor: Fr. Michael El-Nachef
Pastoral Assistant: Fr. Tavis Goski
Deacons: Steve Donoghue Jeff Le Bane Gerry Panes Phil Richards Jim Schultz
Sacramental Coordinator: Nathalie Desjardins
Parish Manager: Deacon Jeff Le Bane
Parish Secretary: Margaret Heuthorst
Parish Caretaker: Jeff Johnson
Parish Staff Bios
For Emergencies ONLY 613-804-6822
Parish Office Hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday: 9 to 12; 1 to 4 Wednesday: 9 to 12; 1 to 4 Thursday: 9 to 12; 1 to 4 Friday: Closed
General Information: 613-824-6822 ext#3
Address: 6658 Bilberry Drive Orleans, Ontario K1C 2S9