Bishop John Beahen
Assembly 2230

 First Ontario District, Cardinal McGuigan Province
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Assembly Officers 2024 -2025

Faithful Navigator John Scoles (613) 741-0338
Faithful Friar  vacant
Faithful Captain Michael Goral (613) 260-2824
Faithful Admiral  John St. Jean (613)  834-8100
Faithful Pilot vacant
Faithful Comptroller Emmanuel Ukwu  (613) 456-6138
Faithful Scribe Peter Landry (613) 552-1252
Faithful Purser Ron Delaney (613) 824-7827
Faithful Inner Sentinel Joshua Balanaser (613) 882-4013
Faithful Outer Sentinel James Beattie (613) 720-3891 
Faithful Senior Trustee 1 Year term Wayne Mousseau (613) 746-4203
Faithful Junior Trustee 2 Year term Adam T. Lyon
Faithful Trustee 3 Year term  Nam Tang (613) 983-0489
Assembly Commander unassigned

You may e-mail any of the officers, by clicking on their names above: 

Click Here to see executive of previous years:

            (Faithful Navigator(s) Bios)