Confirmation Sponsor Form

Each Candidate for Confirmation requires a person who will act as their sponsor. The sponsor’s responsibility, together with the parents, is to assist the child/children in fulfilling their baptismal promises under the influence of the Holy Spirit. The sponsor cannot be the parent but can be chosen by the parents, should the sponsor not be able to be in attendance for the Confirmation ceremony, a parent may be a proxy for their chosen sponsor.

The following outline should assist you with the selection of a person whom you feel best suits the qualities of a sponsor.

Canons 872,873 and 874 of the code of Canon law lists the requirements for a valid and lawful sponsor:
   • There should be only one sponsor per candidate; a godparent is a natural choice
   • Must be mature enough to undertake this responsibility
   • Must have received the three sacraments of initiation, namely Baptism, Eucharist and
   • Should be at least 16 years of age
   • Must know the fundamental truths of the Faith and be a practicing Catholic
   • Must be a member of the Catholic Church in good standing
   • Must NOT be the mother or father of the child

Please complete the Sponsor information below and return to the parish. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance!

If you have any questions, please contact our parish Sacramental Coordinator,
Nathalie Desjardins at 613-824-6822 x 229.